Thursday 25 May 2017

What a week...

My week has been pretty awesome this week... Not with work, that is just .... work. I have been starting early every.single.morning.
I am talking about the audio book recording. I have since last week, nearly completed the complete audio book. I have done 11 chapters over the past 10 days of my life. I was on holiday last week and got most of it done then, but yesterday, the 25th May, I did 6 Chapters on my day off.
The weather outside was deliciously warm, yet I decided to stay inside and get it done, i want to get myself known... and the only way is to get a book completed and selling, then |I will get more work.

Meanwhile I have found a couple of other scripts that I think could be a good match for me, including one post apocalyptic horror.

Onwards and upwards!

Saturday 20 May 2017


My website is finally updated with my soundcloud link, I am happy that it at least works and successfully. I have updated quite a bit of things on my various pages as well, so things are finally coming together in one decent package. I still need to maintain my presence...

Not going anywhere

Friday 19 May 2017

Water, water.... I am surrounded by water, but not able to drink any. No, not really. Just realising that audiorecording is actually thirsty work. You don't realise it, but it is necessary to have water nearby. It helps lubricate your throat. I am busy doing an audio recording right now, and loving it.

More updates later.

Thursday 18 May 2017

Audiobook update

Now, I don't know about you, but doing an audio book is not exactly the easiest thing on earth. I use my phone for the audio recording - a Samsung Galaxy S7, a wonderful phone with an excellent microphone.

I am currently doing an audiobook for an author of a Sci-Fi book called Kepler:- Humanity's Ark by Kyle Perkins and Virginia Johnson. So far I have 6 chapters recorded and uploaded to ACX - Amazon's Audio book creation website - The audio book itself will be finished by the 11th of June, and I am doing all of the audio work for it. I have my Audio Facebook page WordPlay Audio

I am adding to it slowly... I will need to find a way to do a sample of the audio and add it to my site.
Just so you know, that the audio book will go on sale soon, and as soon as I know, I will let people know on here and on Facebook.

Now - If you need My author Page - Jack Walker Author, then come along and have a look.

Please email me at or
for any more information

Wednesday 17 May 2017

Audio... Yes I know, sounds, noises...

Most people don't undersatand audio very well, or they don't appreciate it as much. The reasons I say this is because I have a wife who is hard of hearing, and she struggles to hear sometimes. Now, don't get me wrong here, I am not always shouting at her... lol, no, I just need to look directly at her when talking to her. That way she can hear me and understand me.

I have started doing audio work - ie audiobooks, well, currently just the one I am busy with at present. It is called Kepler - Humanity's Ark. It is about colonists who are landing on the planet Kepler 186-f and they encounter life on the planet. Earth is gone, destroyed by man's greed and over exploitation. Anyway, back to the reasons why I am interested in audiobooks, they are a different way of telling the story, instead of reading it, you listen to the story. It works very well for a huge amount of people because they are always on the road; or they have limited vision, or a myriad of other reasons....

I will let you know once he book is done, so please follow my progress here....


Writing:- the act of putting pen to paper, evoking thoughts and putting them into words so people can get a reaction.

Most people people think it is easy writing, but it is not. There has to be an element of madness in it for one to sacrifice time and energy in placing those words down, baring your soul to millions, or sometimes just yourself. I see writing as a form or art, of something physical, after all, we use our minds to create something magical with words, we paint, or sculpt, or barely cover the darkness lurking within our souls.

There is a particular day I enjoy in my weekly routine of writing, and yes I look forward to it with bated breath. Tuesdays = Writingromancelines. It always evokes something different in me, as I am romantic, but I can also be cynical at the same time. This is due to personal circumstances that have occurred in my life recently, so it became a progression that I did something different....

I started doing writingnonromancelines as a bit of something different, and it has actually begun working well for me. I am getting more followers on twitter organically by just having them out there.  Now either it is working, or people are starting to notice me and realising something about me as a person, that I am a real entity not just pushing marketing all the time. Yes, I want more books sold, but I also want people to look at my posts and realise that I have something to say. My writing may not be the best or most prolific, but I do write. When it works well, Boy; does it work well.

So I just want to let all of you out there know, if you have an idea, write or record it somewhere, because you never know when it might come back to bite you. Most of all write, even if it is a few sentences a day... write!